Thursday, August 27, 2015

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's back to school time! With school shopping, hair cuts and last minute to-do's these last few weeks of summer can be super stressful. But hang on, you're almost there! And to celebrate we're hosting our annual Open House!

We've got tons of FREE activities lined up for kids and parents of all ages. Take on the Parisi Speed School obstacle course, give our basketball contest your best shot, or get your sweat on in our small group training demo.

Plus, there's FREE food, drinks and so much more! Not to mention, we're giving away $500!

What a great way to launch the school year. Sign up today. The first 25 people to RSVP get a FREE gift!

Questions? Call 856.651.5012.

See you at THE CLUB!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Top 4 Strength Training Myths for Women

Top 4 Strength Training Myths for Women

When it comes to strength training for women, there are several pervading myths that never seem to go away and are always brought up as reasons why women should not do it.  The following are the four most common ones that I have come across.

1.    I’ll Bulk Up.  This is probably one of the most pervasive, albeit incorrect myths out there.  Women simply do not have the correct hormone profile to build huge, bodybuilder type muscle.

2.    Muscle Will Turn to Fat if I Stop.  Rest assured that this is physiologically impossible.  Muscle and fat are 2 completely different tissues and one cannot change into the other.

3.    High Reps and Light Weight.  This is one of those myths that’s repeated so frequently it “has to be right”.  Muscle must be stressed in order to be strengthened and toned.  Light weights simply do not supply enough resistance.

4.    Women Only Need Cardio.  Cardio is one part of a complete fitness regimen, but by no means the be all and end all.  Just doing cardio will cause muscular imbalances and overuse injury.

So Then What Are the Real Benefits of Strength Training for Women?
  • Increases metabolism rate due to an increase in muscle and a decrease in fat
  • Has a positive impact on bone density and reduces risk of osteoporosis
  • Aids in preventing injury by building stronger connective tissues to increase joint stability
  • Increases functional strength for sports and daily activity
  • Increases lean body mass and decreases nonfunctional body fat
  • Improves self-esteem and confidence

Coach Jon Haas

Jon is a certified Underground Strength Coach - Level 2, an ACE and FMS certified Personal Trainer and has been involved in the martial arts for over 30 years. He has been training in the Budo Taijutsu warrior arts of the Bujinkan for more than 25 years and is currently ranked as a Kudan (9th degree black belt) under Jack Hoban Shidoshi. Mention this blog article and get a FREE half hour personal training session at CHHRC with Jon! 

Call 856.429.1388 or email

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